...download lo fi dreams & for part II email password to usual email for those on mailing list...others enjoy part one...
...new zine coming new year...a mauseleom of ledgers...
...new playlist 'OH GOD ¡¡' coming soon...along with Exposition...
short documentary 'Bit's & Pieces'
director...Zander Brown
Date of Release...TBC...Reading at 8 pm
180 Pages
13 x 20 cm
5 Iímited Edition Signed Copies
$120.00coming soon xxx
fuego 5, coming much sooner, date: tba
download 'lo fi dreams' free
'OH GOD II !'...the exhibition coming soon...
Punk II Coming Soon To Online Retail Stores Soon...
'the villainous files vol. 1' — mid April, 2024
read 'lo fi dreams' for a short period of time...
...short flick J.Cables twenty ninth of next...
mango, the photobook added to issuu x
notebooks II added to site
new exhibition upcoming
updated download section
site back up & running
new exhibition at H.A.B Dalston - e8 2ng - Feb 27th - March 10th
quick síte update
site update
site update
quick site update II0IID
J Cables III ~ the Lívinia tálês a short film
síte updated
...representation information to come...22 June 2022...
...Turps Leavers Exhibition 2nd October till 16th October, at Thames Side Studios, Harrington Way, London SE18 5NR grab your popcorn
...upcoming zine entitled 'Charlie A'mP is Avant Garde & Live' - Christmas Time
...'whispering into Van Gogh's Ear' - a collaborative zine coming in November [2021]
i have a group show - your foot in my face and other tectonic strategies - at Kingsgate Project Space - Opening: Sat 14th (12-6) closing: Sat 4th Sept (12-6) - NW6 2JG - go see it if you're interested
updated cv
'understated drawings of sex' — coming 2021
working on new film 'the callings'
my diary coming soon.
new shop opened for limited edition paperbacks
new written piece in talking soup
'juice' published fourth / seventh / twenty twenty
a fiesta of charms [short stories], notebooks, [fuego], fuego II, [fuego III], Vanity. Ares, [lady day], PUNK, [Kofi Boamah - Mango photobook] — in total ten works all available online now, fifteen works completed in total
website update [17/03/2020] new exhibition & representation information to come...
...new artwork to be found on online retailers as abebooks, amazon [the man!] as of a few days... work entitled: 'lady day...'
...look out for playlist entitled Musique After Death & Ana Pallares Exhibition spotify, youtube, or fuckit might give in & subscribe to Tidal...
...the burgundy coming soon...
see only a very small work at Burley Fisher, Ode to Rembrandt (Oil on canvas, 18 x 24) 2016
stuffs on tumblr added too, just not too often
site updated twenty fourth of November, new work coming soon... watch this space...
new publication out now. coming soon to Amazon.
work out at El Garito, ask for Anthony👀👀🇻🇪
more pre-production for film 'Blue.'
updated exhibition section
film section updated
exhibition ! @ Deptford Does Art (Spoiler Collective) Opening 27th March
'Hackney at Salome' the film finished in film section. pm for viewing.
group exhibition at Espacio Gallery, Roots & Rifts —2019, 22nd January — 03 February — (Opening 6 pm — 9 pm 24th Jan)
exhibition entitled: VII.The Chariot held at Hundred Years Gallery (6th December — 27th January) 2019 — opening starts at 6.30pm — 9.30pm
film entitled 'Purple.' free to watch on Vimeo, and in the film section
"Context Free" group show at espacio gallery 24 — 29th April
@ Grow Hackney selling Books 21st April
pre production for short film entitled 'Blue.'
working on film entitled: 'Purple.'
Exhibition @ Unit 5 Gallery 24th May - 25th
Show entitled: "Lucid Documentary"
Documenting our lives are events in themselves. And events in which we can participate in or not. Our dreams can be the most spectacular events in lives that can often be mundane. To take away and live amongst our dreams for a moment is the realm that this show considers: can we control our lives and therefore our dreams? what constitutes visions? are dark thoughts ok? the theme of this show is all about the beauty of Lucid Documentary: the random thoughts, the random visions, the epiphanies had on the fly.
updated Artwork section of Painting & Illustrations
first published book to be published. entitled tentatively at the moment. more information to come.
upcoming exhibition coming up
subito carceris = (an improvised prison). dialogues' extended - until 28th september - hundredyearsgallery.com